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Daymon Miller – Chief Instructor

Daymon has been involved in martial arts since his early years.  Beginning in Calgary in 1980 he started studying at Hiro’s JudoClub – his career continued on through university where he participated in various regional and national tournaments as a member of the Alberta Provincial Judo Team.  Later, his interest in Judo brought him to Japan where he continued his training, eventually earning the rank of nidan. During this time Daymon also began studying Kendo under the tutelage of Komaru Sensei, a godan from Asahikawa, Hokkaido.

Next he moved to Iwate, a rural area of Japan, where he continued with Kendo and eventually earned the rank of Shodan. While there, he participated in a regional tournament as a member of the first ever Gaikokugin team. It was in Iwate that Daymon was introduced to Yushukaikan Karate, a full contact style taught by a local Sensei and Chinese Medical Doctor, which he practiced for two years before returning to Canada.

Upon returning to Canada Daymon joined the young Banff Karate Club, which after a short time became part of the International Karate Organization Kyokushinkaikan – Canada (IKOK-C). Since then he has attended numerous summer and winter camps under the tutelage of Shihan Stuart Corrigal.  In addition to competing in many regional and international tournaments for karate he made his amateur mixed martial arts debut at 39 years of age.  Putting all the peices together of his martial arts training he earned a 2-0 amateur record against Jesse Ens  and Beau Bentley.

One of his fondest memories to date occurred in Mitsumine (Summer training camp location in Japan), with Sempai Jeff and Sempai Leo (Invermere Dojo). During free time from summer camp training, they set out on a run through the very same mountains where Mas Oyama once secluded himself for self-training, which proved to be a very spiritual and motivating experience.  Daymon has made several trips to Japan for training since living there and fought in the World Friendship Tournament in November 2019.  He was defeated by his opponent, Ueda Norio, in the extension round.

Daymon Miller earned his Sandan (3rd degree black belt) in the summer of 2017 after completing a 30 person kumite (Kumite).  He is the head instructor of the dojo and teaches the Beginner Kids, Advanced Kids and Adults classes .


Sandan (3rd degree black belt) Kyokushin Karate

National Coaching Certification Program of Canada – Level 2

First aid and CPR

IKOK-C Judge

Nidan (2nd Degree Black Belt) – Judo

Shodan (1st degree black belt) – Kendo

Shodan (1st degree black belt) – Yushukaikan Karate

2 – 0 MMA Amateur Fight Record (Hard Knocks Fighting)

Novice Franco Behring Jujitsu and boxing practitioner