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Katherine Hogan – Instructor

Katherine started her martial arts training as a young adult.  She has trained 4 years in taekwondo and 4 years in kickboxing (student and assistant instructor). She fought competitively in both before taking a break from martial arts after her kids were born.  In 2014, her daughter said she wanted to join karate but was too intimidated to go alone.  By then, Katherine had decided that martial arts was for the young and fit, but figured she would join for a while until her daughter was comfortable.  By the time her daughter’s confidence in karate grew and it was no longer cool to have her mom there, Katherine had remembered why she loved martial arts training – because it balanced both mental and physical training.

Katherine occasionally still competes in tournaments and has won a few medals in Kyokushin Karate.  She helps teach the kids classes, and occasionally assists with others. Katherine earned her Shodan (first degree black belt) in August of 2024.